It has been years since India became MODIfied (pun intended). There have been several decisions by the Modi government that have been questioned time and again. Some successes, some failures. Some daydreams and some nightmares. Needless to mention the debatable reform called- Demonitisation that was supposedly a nightmare for the common man ,dressed as a daydream.
So, after all the speculations and the blame games being played, comes as what is supposed to be one of the world’s biggest successes- making electricity reach villages. It is believed that since 2000, more than 900 million people have gained access to electricity in developing countries in Asia. Over 91% of the region has got electrified, when compared to 67% in 2000. An announcement was made, by India, in April 2018 that all the villages in the country now had an electricity connection. This not only adds to the goal of universal household access but also provides India a distinguished mark in the world.

The impatience and curiosity on the part of the citizens was at its peak when Mr. Modi, during his independence speech had announced that all Indian villages will have power within the next 1000 days and set a deadline till 10th May 2018. However, it was achieved in advance. The next step for the government is supposed to be- to ensure that these power lines are connected to all the major institutions and households in the country. This is really important as it was clearly seen during the time government ensured allotment of ‘toilets and sanitation centres’ in every village but the villagers failed to execute the same. So, to make resources available is one, but to ensure that they reach everyone in need of them is other.

After the success of providing LPG to poor households, this adds another feather to the Indian government’s cap. Long way to go, fingers crossed.